Responsible for the content:
Franz Elsenwenger Handels GmbH- TEAM 7 Salzburg
Salzburger Straße 18
5301 Eugendorf
Phone: +43 (0) 6225 2616 0
Fax: +43 (0) 6225 2616 15
E-Mail: verkauf
team7-salzburg at
Franz Elsenwenger
Online contact persons
Sabine Pupeter and Martin Mandl
Information according to E-commerce law
All pictures, diagrams and texts featured on the TEAM 7 website are the property of TEAM 7. No part of these pictures, diagrams and texts may be used without the explicit consent of TEAM 7.
VAT ID number: ATU39991005
Commercial registry number: 142645y
Company court: Regional Court of Salzburg
Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Salzburg-Umgebung
concept and design by: La Red GmbH
technical implementation: La Red GmbH | innpuls GmbH